Houdini 1.5 - Deuterium 12.01.30 2-0
Booot 5.1.0 - Thinker 5.4D (Active) ½-1½
EngineDeepShredder12UCI - Toga Returns 1.1 2-0
Tactico Pro - Dirty05Sep2012 1½-½
Strelka 5.5 - Fruit 2.31 1½-½
BugChess 2 1.9 - Ivanhoe999946f 0-2
TheKing - Jonny 4.0 0-2
Hannibal 1.3 - Cyclone xTreme 1-1 2½-1½
Quazar 0.4 - Gaviota 0.85.1 1-1 3-1
Komodo 3 - Deep Rybka 4 ½-1½
Loop2007 - Octochess r4741 2-0 (disq.)
Spike 1.4 - Protector 1.4 0-2
Pharaon 3.51 - Naum 4.2 1-1 1-3
Hiarcs 14 WCSC_AC4 - Stockfish 2.31 1-1 1½-2½
Critter 1.6 - Vitruvius 1.11C 1-1 2½-1½
MinkoChess 1.3 - DeepSaros 3.1 0-2
Houdini 1.5 - Thinker 5.4D (Active) 1½-½
EngineDeepShredder12UCI - Tactico Pro 0-2
Strelka 5.5 - Ivanhoe999946f ½-1½
Jonny 4.0 - Hannibal 1.3 1-1 1-3
Quazar 0.4 - Deep Rybka 4 0-2
Loop2007 - Protector 1.4 0-2
Naum 4.2 - Stockfish 2.31 1-1 1½-2½
Critter 1.6 - DeepSaros 3.1 2-0
Houdini 1.5 - Tactico Pro 0-2
Ivanhoe999946f - Hannibal 1.3 1½-½
Deep Rybka 4 - Protector 1.4 2-0
Stockfish 2.31 - Critter 1.6 1½-½
Tactico Pro - Ivanhoe999946f ½-1½
Deep Rybka 4 - Stockfish 2.31 0-2
Ivanhoe999946f - Stockfish 2.31 ½-1½
So the winner is, not totally surprisingly, Stockfish 2.31! That engine certainly was one of the top favorites. There were also some nice suprises! Ivanhoe getting to final surely counts as one of them, while it can beat anyone in a single game (or match as was seen). I was also surprised not so pleasantly how quite a few engines had to be disqualified simply because I could not get them to work in Arena. Perhaps in future some of those can be fixed to work ok, thou I tried with every different settings always. Also the top-4 engine Tactico Pro suffered performance difficulties early on, namely it lost games by making illegal moves, another major trouble with chess engines at times! However, after changing it´s setting in Arena it worked perfectly and almost took the whole tournament! It really beat some major players, such as Houdini 1.5 and Deep Shredder 12. And it also plays with interesting, tactical style which seems to really suit bullet level play, as might be expected of course. Fun tournament, and next one will come thou as a 32-engine version.
Then also the FINAL8-tournament was played. And to the results:
Engine Score Ta St Cr St Ho Iv De Ko S-B
1: Tactico Pro w32 11,0/14 ····· 1-1-0 0-0-2 1-0-1 2-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 1-0-1 69,00
2: Stockfish-231-32-ja 8,0/14 1-1-0 ····· 0-0-2 1-1-0 1-1-0 0-0-2 1-0-1 1-0-1 52,75
3: Critter_1.6_32bit 7,5/14 0-0-2 0-0-2 ····· 1-0-1 0-1-1 2-0-0 0-0-2 0-1-1 53,25
4: Strelka_5.5x32 7,5/14 0-1-1 1-1-0 0-1-1 ····· 1-0-1 0-0-2 1-0-1 1-0-1 47,25
5: Houdini_15_w32 6,5/14 0-2-0 1-1-0 1-0-1 0-1-1 ····· 0-1-1 1-1-0 2-0-0 39,00
6: IvanHoe999946f 6,0/14 0-2-0 0-0-2 0-2-0 0-0-2 1-0-1 ····· 1-1-0 1-0-1 36,50
7: Deep Rybka 4 w32 6,0/14 0-2-0 0-1-1 0-0-2 0-1-1 1-1-0 1-1-0 ····· 2-0-0 34,75
8: Komodo3-32 3,5/14 0-1-1 0-1-1 1-0-1 0-1-1 0-2-0 0-1-1 0-2-0 ····· 27,50
Tactico Pro! What a performance! Something like this was expected after the KO-tourney, but winning this much tougher competition with 3 point margin losing just one single game to the runner-up and KO-winner Stockfish 2.31, is a stunning achievement! Well done. It is worth to noting that it actually played quite evenly against other top-4 finishers, but crushed the weaker placed engines mercilessly therefore being much more consistent.
Otherwise quite a leveled tourney in the end, excluding the eight placed Komodo3 that perhaps does not perform so well in bullet chess, thou the competitors really were best of the kind also. Houdini continues to underperform, while former king-of-the-hill Rybka 4 did not perform that great either, but ended with perhaps still decent 6/14.
Here is my ranking list at the moment for the best engines I have for bullet level 1/1 chess based on these two played tournaments:
1. Tactico Pro w32
2. Stockfish-231-32-ja
3. IvanHoe999946f
4. Critter_1.6_32bit
5. Strelka_5.5x32
6. Houdini_15_w32
7. Deep Rybka 4 w32
8. Hannibal 1.3
9. Protector 1.4
10. Komodo3-32
11. Naum 4.2
12. EngineDeepShredder12UCI
13. Quazar 0.4
14. DeepSaros 3.1
15. Jonny 4.0
16. Thinker 5.4D (Active)
17. Loop2007
18. Hiarcs 14 WCSC_AC4
19. Vitruvius 1.11C
20. Cyclone xTreme
21. Gaviota 0.85.1
22. Pharaon 3.51
23. Booot 5.1.0
24. Dirty05Sep2012
25. Fruit 2.31
26. Deuterium 12.01.30
27. Toga Returns 1.1
28. BugChess 2 1.9
29. TheKing
30. Spike 1.4
31. MinkoChess 1.3
32. Chiron 1.5
33. DayDreamer 1.75
34. Cyrano 0.6b
35. EXChess 6.71 beta
36. E.T.Chess 13.08
37. Fire 2.0 xTreme
38. Cheng3 1.07
39. Bobcat 3.25
40. Movei 00.8.438
41. Tornado 4.88
42. Ruffian 2.1
43. Alaric 707
44. Belka 1.8.20
45. TwistedLogic2007
46. Naraku 1.4
47. Philou 3.71
48. Chronos 1.99
49. Crafty 23.5
50. Bright 0.5c
51. Arasan 15.1
52. DeepSjeng ct 2010
53. ZappaMexico
To be continued...
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