sunnuntai 29. maaliskuuta 2015

Chess fatique - for good reason(s)!

I have gotten a chess fatique. This is probably party due to change of country I am staying at, but I could felt it this month before also. One other reason might be the last big chess project I undertook, namely 11-game simul versus chess computers, out of which 4 games are still unfinished!

Most importantly however, is that since mid-June last year till mid-March this year, I played most amount of chess games that I ever have (or perhaps even ever will! Though I doubt that one) during a single 9-month period. Last year from mid-June till the end I played total 88 long games, while this year during first 2,5 months I played total 55 long games! Combined together: 143 long games of chess. Overwhelmingly the biggest number ever, which is not so surprising since I`ve just played total 557 long time control chess games. This includes OTB games as well as online games, time controlled as well as casual games and also correspondence games. Minimum time control being 60 minutes per whole game for one player.

Some simple statistics from that 143-game period:

63 white wins, 66 black wins, 14 draws.
59 games I played with white, 84 games I played with black.

This year is probably going to become most productive in my chess playing career, since the record is 119 long games during 2014 and now already during 3 first months I have that number at 55.

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